Top 10 Ancient Technologies That Might Be Lost Forever - Part 2
Top 10 Ancient Technologies That Might Be Lost Forever - Part 2
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We have a lot of technology at our fingertips all of the time, and it seems as though anything possible in the past would be possible now, but that’s not always the case. The minds of yesterday are simply just not the minds of today and sometimes the genius inventions of the past end up getting stuck there. From a death ray to an ancient antidepressant, all the way to a heat-resistant, indestructible plastic, some things just ain’t what they used to be. What is up top 10 fams, welcome back. I am your host today, Olivia Kosolofski and today we are diving into part 2 of the Top 10 Ancient Technologies That Might Be Lost Forever - Part 2.
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Time Codes:
0:00- Intro
00:42 The Death Ray | Ancient Techonolgies
01:59 Ulfberht | Ancient Techonolgies
02:51 Nepenthe | Ancient Techonolgies
03:36 The Telharmonium | Ancient Techonolgies
04:29 The Library of Alexandria | Ancient Techonolgies
05:25 Cloudbuster | Ancient Techonolgies
06:19 Starlite | Ancient Techonolgies
07:21 Apollo/Gemini Space Program Technology | Ancient Techonolgies
08:21 Wardenclyffe Tower | Ancient Techonolgies
09:18 Tesla Oscillator | Ancient Techonolgies
Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh-
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Hosted By:
Olivia Kosolofski:
Edited By:
Alex Specter:
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