Top 10 Biggest Economies and Their History | 1970 - 2020 | Usa vs China?
A data visualization of the currently biggest economies in the world and their history from 1970 to 2020. When do you expect china to overtake the usa? And is this really a fair comparison for countries with fewer people? comment down below and start friendly discussions! Remember to be nice and don't start a discussion if you can't take constructive critiscism.
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Autumn 2011 by Loxbeats (Music promoted by Audio Library)
Xtasy by Lahar (Music promoted by Audio Library)
Escape by Niwel (Music promoted by Audio Library)
Lost World by SilentCrafter (Music promoted by Audio Library)
Skyline - MusicbyAden (Music promoted by Audio Library)
Golden Hour by Vlad Gluschenko (Music promoted by Audio Library)
mood by sakura Hz (Music promoted by Audio Library)
Levity by Johny Grimes (Music promoted by Audio Library)
Takayama by Niwel (Music promoted by Audio Library)
Underground Stars by Loxbeats (Music promoted by Audio Library)