TOP 10 Biggest MMA UFC Fighters of All Time 2020
MMA has been one of the fastest-growing sports in the past few decades. This combat sport’s appeal lies in it’s anything can happen nature. There’s something for everyone of any size in this sport, as long as you have a fighting spirit and some good technique. On today’s list, however, we will be focussing on one size in particular. Our list today pays homage to the heavyweights. The big boys that amaze us and their opponents with their sheer size.
1] Hong-Man Choi
2] Paolo Cesar de Silva
3] Chad Rowan
4] Emmanuel Yarbrough
5] Alexander Lungu
6] Alan Karev
7] Eric Scott Esch
8] Yoshihiro Takayama
9] Semmy Schelt
10] Bob Sapp