Top 10 Celebrities That Got Exposed During The Pandemic - Part 2
Top 10 Celebrities That Got Exposed During The Pandemic - Part 2
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You guys apparently really enjoyed our last video regarding celebrities being exposed during the pandemic, so here we are with part 2. Now as I said at the end of the previous video, I think we need to focus more on educating people and helping them right their wrongs, rather than just tear them down and cancel them. However, some of these people really crossed the line, to the point that I’m like, where’d you grow up? While others really should just know better, and did something silly, which ended up biting them. What’s happening guys welcome back to InformOverload, I’m your host Jarred Bronstein and today we’re counting down the Top 10 Celebrities That Got Exposed During The Pandemic - Part 2. As always I recommend you guys hit that subscribe button cause it’s literally free, who doesn’t like free things? Stick around until the very end of this one for some comment replies from another video but for now, let’s jump right into this one.
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