Top 10 Child Prodigies Who Turned Bad - Listverse
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Top 10 Child Prodigies Who Turned Bad - Listverse
It seems like every parent hopes that their child will become a prodigy, believing that it will set them up for a great life. Child prodigies are celebrated by society for achieving so much in their short lives, but sometimes, when a prodigy grows up they no longer meet society’s expectations for them. Not only that, but sometimes child prodigies grow into adults that embody the worst kinds of people within our society, a shadow of their former selves. These are 10 child prodigies who grew into evil adults.
In his childhood, Edgren was an accomplished piano player, playing in the Westminster Conservatory in High School. His piano playing was an addition to his impressive grades, excellence was simply a part of life. This led to Edgren being accepted to the prestigious Princeton university, playing with Princeton’s Pianist Ensemble. Therefore his fall from grace is all the more shocking.
Drug addiction and drug overdoses are becoming more and more common in the United States and the world at large. Those suffering from addiction are enabled by drug dealers, who callously prey on those with addictive personality traits. Julian Edgren was one of those dealers, supplying students at the prestigious Princeton University, where he was also enrolled. He was initially arrested after a package addressed to him contained several controlled substances, and a search of his apartment revealed many more.
Edgren was eventually convicted on one count of distribution/possession of 5-99 units of prescription drugs and was sentenced to 5 years in prison. He only served a year in prison before being released, however he never re-enrolled in Princeton.
Bobby Fischer was the youngest chess grandmaster in world history, gaining the title at age 15. That was only the beginning for Fischer, whose best known game took place in 1972 in Iceland, when he defeated Soviet player Boris Spassky, in what was largely seen as a symbolic victory of Democracy over Communism. In his later years however, particularly after forfeiting the title, Fischer became increasingly unhinged and began spouting particularly anti Jewish remarks and involving himself in controversial religious movements. Given Fischer’s Jewish heritage this was especially surprising.
Fischer’s bizarre behavior crossed the line into illegal activity in 1991 when he traveled to Yugoslavia to compete in a chess rematch against Spassky, which went against U.S sanctions in place at the time. After the match, Fischer went on the run in an attempt to avoid charges in the U.S, continuing his public tirades and even going so far as celebrating the World Trade Center Attacks on a radio broadcast. He was eventually arrested in Japan for travelling on an invalid passport. He spent several months in jail before being granted Icelandic citizenship and was released. He eventually died in Iceland in 2005, never renouncing his views.
Brock Turner was once a very promising young athlete, becoming a 2 time State Swimming champion and Olympic contender. His skills as a swimmer earned him a scholarship to the prestigious Stanford University, where he competed on the swim team. His status as a University athlete gave Turner a certain sense of entitlement and the feeling that he was above the law, and he was known to have engaged in several low level crimes, always getting away with little to no consequences.
This feeling that he was above the law came to a head on January 18 2015 when Turner was caught sexually assaulting a woman behind a dumpster on Stanford’s campus. Both Turner and his victim were extremely intoxicated at the time of the incident, neither reported having much memory in regards to what happened. Based on witness statements it was clear to authorities that Turner had penetrated the woman while she was unconscious, resulting in the charges of sexual assault and attempted rape. Turner pled Not Guilty, but was convicted nonetheless. In a controversial legal decision, one which only amplifies Turner’s feelings of immunity, Turner was only sentenced to six months in prison, of which he served 3 due to good behavior.
Jack Kevorkian was a kid who questioned everything, and always was familiar with the facts, and was ready to prove his knowledge to anyone willing to listen. This thirst for the truth made him a model student, academically at least. Kevorkian’s academic excellence led to him teaching himself German and Japanese and entering High School out of sixth grade. Kevorkian finished High School in 1945 at the age of 17, further demonstrating his intellect. He later went to university and medical school, becoming a doctor in 1952.
Kevorkian became an increasing proponent for euthanasia throughout his career, believing that terminal paitents should have the choice to end their lives. Most of the medical community did not share his views and view…