Top 10 Comic Book Covers | Week 44
Top 10 Comic Book Covers | Week 44
Hi fans, it's never too early to start voting for comic book cover of the year. This is the video series where you the fans vote every week on what your favorite cover of the week is. This top 10 list is based off of my favorite covers of the week. Have fun and remember please don't forget to vote!! #absoultecarnage #Comicbooks #Variantcomicbooks #joker #NCBD
____________The Schedule___________________
➡️ Saturday: My Comics
➡️ Sunday:
➡️ Monday: Top 10 Comic Book Covers
➡️ Tuesday: Most Anticipated Comics
➡️ Wednesday: Comic Book Haul
➡️Thursday: After The Pull Live Stream
➡️ Friday:
Welcome to Comic Book Corner 2.0 where I your host Mike spider-Slayer has all kinds of fun with Comic Books. I am a True fan who tells like it is. Join Me as I bring you each week Comic Book Hauls, Comic Book Reviews, Comic Book Cover Videos, where you the fans vote on your favorite covers. Also look for Occasional Comic Reviews, Unboxings, and as always thank you for your support