top 10 companies | top companies by revenue | most value company
top 10 companies
10 Alibaba
Industry Internet
Founded April 4, 1999
Revenue (US$72 Billion, 2020)
9. Tencent
Industry Internet
Founded 11 November 1998
Revenue 37,730 crores CNY
8. Facebook
Industry Internet
Founded February 4, 2004
Revenue (US$86 Billion)
7. Tesla
Industry Automobile
Founded July 1, 2003
Revenue $10.744 Billion
6. Alphabet
Industry Internet
Founded Oct 2, 2015
Revenue $161.9 Billion
5. Delta Electronics (Thailand)
Industry Electronic and Automation
Founded April 1971
Revenue in TWD (TTM) $282.61 Billion
4. Amazon
Industry Retail Business
Founded 5 July 1994
Revenue $386.064 Billion
3. Microsoft
Industry Software Development
Founded 4 April 1975
Revenue $143 Billion
2. Apple
Industry Electronic and Information Technology
Founded 1 April 1976
Revenue $274.515 Billion
1. Saudi Aramco
Industry Oil and Gas Production
Founded 1993
Revenue $329.8 Billion
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