TOP 10 computer bugs in software history
Computer bugs create problems and inconvenience for people every day. Sometimes, computer bugs can cause really massive troubles. There are some tragic cases in history when computer bugs even took away people’s lives. Sometimes, companies lose a lot of money because of computer bugs. Here is the top 10 of the most shocking and devastating computer bugs in history.
Intro: (0:00)
Amazon one cent sale: (0:36)
AT&T long-distance calling software upgrade: (1:20)
Losing $460 million dollars in 45 minutes: (2:11)
Pentium FDIV Bug: (3:24)
NASA’s Mars Climate Orbiter: (4:51)
EDS Child Support System: (6:03)
Prisoners released early: (6:57)
Y2K Bug: (8:13)
Patriot Missile Failure: (9:43)
Ariane 5 Rocket Failure: (10:19)
Outro: (11:12)
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