Top 10 Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories | Covid-19 Pandemic
1- Blaming 5G
2- Bill Gates as scapegoat
3- The virus escaped from a Chinese lab
4- COVID was created as a biological weapon
5- The US military imported COVID into China
6- GMOs are somehow to blame
7- COVID-19 doesn’t actually exist
8- The pandemic is being manipulated by the ‘deep state’
9- COVID is a plot by Big Pharma
10- COVID death rates are inflated
How to recognize and debunk conspiracy theories
It is important to speak out and combat online misinformation and conspiracist narratives, whether on COVID or climate change or anything else. This handbook (PDF) by John Cook and Stephan Lewandowsky, both of whom have extensive experience in combating climate denialism, is an essential tool.
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