TOP 10 Countries with highest number of Facebook user's..2020
There are over 280 million Facebook users in India alone, making it the leading country in terms of Facebook audience size. To put this into context, if India’s Facebook audience were a country then it would be ranked fourth in terms of largest population worldwide. Apart from India, there are several other markets with more than 100 million Facebook users each: The United States, Indonesia, and Brazil with 190 million, 130 million, and 120 million Facebook users respectively.
Global Facebook usage
With almost 2.5 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the most popular social network worldwide. With an audience of this scale, it is no surprise that the vast majority of Facebook’s revenue is generated through advertising. Furthermore, over 90 percent of Facebook ad revenues are coming in via mobile. This correlates with recent data regarding the device usage of Facebook users: As of January 2020, it was found that 98 percent of active Facebook user accounts accessed the platform via mobile phone.
source: (data) statista;