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1 Feb 2021
The Most Powerful Countries that Will Rule the World in 2050

Andrew Moran
Business and Finance Expert

What do you think the world will be like by 2050? Will we have flying cars? Will we have solved world hunger? Will we have colonised Mars? Did we finally make our shoes smell good after spending the day in 30-degree temperatures? Our imagination has gotten the best of us over the years, but can our fantasies ever come true? Time will tell.
Indeed, a lot can happen over time. It's hard to predict what will occur next Thursday, never mind how our existence will be shaped in a few decades. Still, the smartest people in business, finance and policymaking think they have an idea of what the most powerful countries in the world will be by 2050.
Emerging markets could outpace developed economies. France and Italy could be overtaken by Turkey and Vietnam. Indonesia could be an economic powerhouse in the next 30 years and turn into one of the best work
Has your interest been piqued yet?
Here's a list of the 10 countries that will dominate the world's economy in 2050 according to me
The Most Powerful Countries that Will Rule the World in 2050
10. United Kingdom
GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $5.4 trillion
Annual average growth rate by 2050: 2%
Total population by 2050: 75.4 million
9. Germany
GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $6.1 trillion
Annual average growth rate by 2050: 1.4%
Total population by 2050: 74.5 million
8. Japan
GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $6.8 trillion
Annual average growth rate by 2050: 1%
Total population by 2050: 107.4 million
7. Mexico
GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $6.9 trillion
Annual average growth rate by 2050: 6.9%
Total population by 2050: 163.8 million
6. Russia
GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $7.1 trillion
Annual average growth rate by 2050: 1.8%
Total population by 2050: 128.6 million
5. Brazil
GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $7.5 trillion
Annual average growth rate by 2050: 2.5%
Total population by 2050: 238.3 million
4. Indonesia
GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $10.5 trillion
Annual average growth rate by 2050: 3.2%
Total population by 2050: 322.2 million
3. United States
GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $34.1 trillion
Annual average growth rate by 2050: 1.9%
Total population by 2050: 388.9 million
2. India
GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $44.1 trillion
Annual average growth rate by 2050: 3.9%
Total population by 2050: 1.705 billion
It's a sign of the times when Kellogg's has positioned itself as one of the biggest foreign brands in India. Although projections show that it will surpass every economy in the world (minus China), figures estimate that average incomes would be smaller than in other countries.
'India's GDP per capita trajectory over the next 34 years is markedly different to its overall GDP progression, illustrating that while strong population growth can be a key driver of GDP growth, it can also make it more challenging to boost average income levels,' the report explained.
That said, while the global economy is anticipated to slow down over time, India and Nigeria will be the exceptions to this expectation, with growth remaining higher for longer.
1. China
GDP in PPP terms by 2050: $58.5 trillion
Annual average growth rate by 2050: 2.1%
Total population by 2050: 1.348 billion
And, to one's surprise, China will be the most powerful economy in the world in 2050. But this did not take PwC to come up with this conclusion. A whole host of organisations, financial institutions and governments have been predicting this for quite some time, from the World Bank to the United Nations and Goldman Sachs to the European Union.
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