Top 10 Crazy facts about Guatemala 2021
Here are my top 10 crazy facts about Guatemala that you didn't know. If you are interested in how to travel to Guatemala, you should check this one out. From Antigua Guatemala to Lake Atitlan. This Guatemala guide is everything that you need to know more about the culture. One of the best places to travel in central america in 2021.
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Chapters: 00:00 Intro
1:02 No.1 | Volcano Climbing
1:49 No.2 | Attractions
2:37 No.3 | Chocolate Creators
2:56 No.4 | Antigua Guatemala
3:40 No.5 | 1 Country, 4 Cultures
3:59 No.6 | Kites for the death
4:20 No.7 | Lake Atitlan
4:57 No.8 | Land of the trees
5:21 No.9 | Largest mayan structure
5:46 No.10 | Chicken Buses
6:!9 Outro
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