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Top 10 cruel things women do to men

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Top 10 cruel things women do to men

Hello, good people. Thank you for joining us today, and welcome to today’s video. In this video, we are going to talk about the ten cruel things that women do to men. I know this will push me to the walls a bit with my female friends, but we always get inspiration from real-life experiences and our experience over years of coaching. Before we start please click that cheeky subscribe button and turn on the notifications as there will be many videos coming into your way!. Now, let’s get to the spicy stuff!

Has a woman ever done something to you that you thought was outright cold? I know that most of us have dealt with something that was uniquely nasty or cruel. So, you left the toilet seat up, does that deserve a whole week of silent treatment? Number 10 will be flaking up on dates. Some women flake up on dates without any form of prior notice. That is cruel because you make reservations, clean up nice, even brag to your boy’s club about the hot woman that you are going on a date with only to be left looking at an empty seat. That type of rejection and humiliation can cause severe self-esteem and confidence issues to the guy.

Flaking on dates is a technique of seduction for women. But there is an excellent way to do it that will not leave the guy emotionally scarred. Number 9 is testing their men. Women love to be reassured about the things they know. However, some women go to the extend of asking their friends to seduce their men to see if they love them. I find this behavior immature and outright cruel. We know guys are attracted by what they can see, and most of the time, men cheat not because they don’t love their women but because they like to explore their sexuality. I am not saying cheating is okay. But don’t cry if you put him in temptations way, and he gives in to it.

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Emre is author, dating coach and CEO/founder of Kamalifestyles. He has written books which sold thousands of copies over a decade. Emre trained and coached many clients from all over the world and men of all ages on how to improve their confidence, relationships and dating. He has expertise in confidence, approach and attraction and has been featured in top newspapers and radios. He is passionate on helping his clients to achieve great outcomes and make sure they are not held back by the limitations.

Annabella Rose is a Dating Coach and youtube presenter. She regularly publishes videos on KamaTV. She takes clients in to the bar and clubs and teaches her magic! Her speciality is approach and attraction. She also helps to develop confidence and conversational skills and gives honest perspective on the world of women from a woman’s point of view. Most of our clients say “the best advice ever” after talking to Annabella..

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