Top 10 D&D 5e Warlock Invocations! | Nerd Immersion
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This week I'm looking at everyone's favorite edgy spellcaster, the Warlock. Warlock's have the unique mechanic of Invocations, and while there are several, I decided to pick out my Top 10. Out of the 46 options, I still feel like I only see the same 5 or so used in play consistently. What's your favorite Warlock Invocation?
Top 10 D&D 5e Warlock Invocations
10. Tomb of Levistus 2:24
9. Lifedrinker 4:50
8. Voice of the Chain Master 6:06
7. Gift of the Ever-Living Ones 7:56
6. Eldritch Smite 9:36
5. Vision of Distant Realms 11:18
4. Eldritch Sight 13:12
3. Book of Ancient Secrets 15:17
2. Devil's Sight 17:12
1. Agonizing Blast 18:57
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