Top 10 english long face tumbler pigeons in the world|| English long face pigeon||
Top 10 english long face tumbler pigeons in the world|| English long face pigeon||
Top Most High Flaying Pigeon In BangladeshTop Pigeon farming is a very popular and profitable business. People mainly rear pigeon for sale. Pigeon meat is too much tasty and full of protein. In the past wild pigeons were available in forest and bird hunters used pigeon traps to catch them. Besides meat supply pigeons increase the beauty of a place. In many regions racing pigeons are highly demandable. Wild pigeons can meet the demand for meat, but for the other reasons pigeon farming is important.
Breeds of Pigeons
There are more than 700 breeds of pigeons. On the basis of their characteristics they may be classified into some specific types. Such as –
King Pigeons
Homing pigeons
Racing Pigeons
Fancy Pigeons
Feral Pigeons
Band-tailed Pigeons etc.
#english_long_face_pigeon #fancy_pigeons #Top_10_fancy_pigeons
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