TOP 10 Favorite Parts of the Terraria Spirit Mod 1.4.2 Update - Sinister Sands (tModLoader)
Terraria Spirit Mod v1.4.2 Update - Sinister Sands Early Access Preview - TOP 10 Favorite Parts of the Terraria Spirit Mod 1.4.2 Update. The Spirit Mod 1.4.2 Sinister Sands update will be released on 3/27/2021.
Patch Notes Summary
Boss Changes:
- Vinewrath Bane: Completely overhauled the Vinewrath Bane fight from scratch. The boss no longer has a bunch of hard to see attacks, but four unique, new attacks in Phase 1 and four brand new attacks in Phase 2, as well. The boss damage/defense/hitbox have been overhauled as well.
- Starplate Voyager: Made the phase one worm bit a lot more fun and less like the destroyer. Segments that you can hit now turn on and off fluidly, replaced the charge attack with a circling attack, and improved the movement of the boss overall. as well as improving the visual.
- Snow Monger: Completely overhauled the fight to be more visually appealing and fair. New attacks, new telegraphs, and completely rebalanced the drops to be less broken for early hardmode.
- Infernon: Received a resprite
Worldgen Changes: (the following will need a new world of any size to properly explore)
- New Dark Sepulchres: The generation for Dark Sepulchres has been completely redone, transitioning to big gothic-esque churches that are found lower in the world. Trying to open the chests now causes all the statues nearby to come to life, and they must be defeated before you can open the chest and claim the loot. The Sepulcher has completely new loot (a mage weapon, a summon weapon, a melee weapon, a unique placeable weapon) and brand new tiles
- Fathomless Vases: A new underground mini-structure that contains a little vase that players can right-click to interact with. Breaking the vases yields 1 of around 20 special effects. Some are 'good luck', some are 'bad luck', and some are 'neutral luck'. They drop Blackrock, a unique item that can be used to craft Mystical Dice that transport you to other Fathomless Chests in the world.
Other important and interesting changes + additions:
- Hyperspace Artificial Biome: By crafting and right-clicking a 'Hyperspace Bust', players can create a synthwave biome that has unique lighting effects, a unique background, and unique day and night tracks
- Lantern Festivals: By crafting or finding Festival Lanterns (found in sky pagodas with the Jade Dragon Staff), players can start a little Lantern Festival in the nearby area. This is similar to the lanterns from 1.4, but it takes place in the foreground (not the background) and has really pretty parallax!
- New Ambient Changes: Many vanilla and modded biomes have received ambient chances
- The Meteor Biome now has a special background effect and a unique rising fire particle effect
- The Underworld has a similar fire effect and also occasionally experiences Ashfall/Ash Rain (can be tracked with the Weather Radio and can be toggled by switching day and night) which is a unique ambient weather effect
- The Spirit Biome has a new particle system, a new background, and overall polished visuals to look prettier!
- New UI: We have 7 new material pages (known as "name of material + Page") found in Gold Chests that inform players on new modded materials with hand-drawn art for each one (Bismite, Enchanted Leaves, Heart Scales, Granite/Marble Chunks, Frigid Fragments)
- New Cascade Set): The old coral set was deleted and replaced with brand new Cascade items (coral + shark fins), along with a new Manta Ray mount!
- New Enemies: We've added a lot of new enemies with complex AI and animations, including: Cystal, Chest Zombie, Skeleton Brute, 3 meteor biome enemies, Sea Mandrake, Wrathful Souls, and Pokeys
- New Music: We've added new tracks for Corruption (Night), Frost Legion, Meteorite Biome, Infernon, and a new track for the Mystic Moon
- Gambler Overhaul: The Gambler now has new lootboxes, with custom animations and a bunch of new drops from the chests
- Cool new items: Gem bows, Bow of Ornaments, Staff of Ornaments, Obolos (a really cool mount), and many more (let me know if you need me to pcik out some more)
- Tide Soft Rework: It's now a wave based event with different enemies showing up at different times, and currently has five different waves
- Naturalist's Workshop: A crafting station that allows players to craft 43 new tiles for builds
Be sure to check out my other videos like Diana the Druid Expert Mode Mod of Redemption (MoR) Playthrough, Raiden the Rogue Calamity Death Mode Playthrough, Anna the Archer Calamity Revengeance Mode Bow Only Ranger Class Terraria Playthrough, the Wendy the Warrior Terraria 1.4 Journey's End Master Mode Melee Lets Play, and the Magnus the Mage Calamity Death Mode Mage class Terraria Let's Play with storyline / lore.
Terraria is an action-adventure sandbox platformer game developed by Re-Logic.
#Terraria #SpiritMod