TOP 10 Field Trip Items | What's in My Field Trip Bag
Hello sweet friends! This video was filmed about a year ago while I was in Tennessee, but I still wanted to share! Let me know in the comments what you take on a field trip! ♡ open to see more...
Thank you guys for watching! I hope you enjoyed seeing what's in my field trip bag. These are the items that were the most important for me to have. Most of what I packed stays in the bag because we all know field trips are stressful, and the less you have to worry about the better!
✰Shop ALL of my recommendations here! ✰
♡ T H A N K Y O U ♡
Thank you to every single person who has been supporting our classroom. My kids feel so loved. They honestly can't believe all of the amazing things people have done for our room. Thank you thank you thank you.
♡ S U P P O R T O U R C L A S S R O O M ♡
Some of you have reached out wanting to support our room. This wishlist includes some items we will use on a daily basis, and I will continue to update it. Thank you so incredibly much.
Class Wishlist (Amazon):
Happy teaching ♡
Mrs. Call
#WhatsInMyBag #WIMB #TeddyBlake
♡ S A Y H I ♡
◆instagram: @mrscallscampers
◆e-mail: [email protected]
♡ S H A R I N G ♡
◆ hp instant ink (free month of printing):
◆ (free cleaning supplies and VIP):
♫ M U S I C ♫
Music Link ➞
Artist SC ➞
Ikson / Bloom ➞
✰FTC DISCLAIMER // This video is NOT sponsored. This post does contain affiliate/referral links, which means that if you purchase anything through the use of my links with,, or, I receive a small commission. All opinions are my own, honest opinions, regardless of sponsorship, referral links, and/or affiliation.