Top 10 Free System Administrator Tools | 10 Must-Have Tools For System Admins
Top 10 Free System Administrator Tools | 10 Must-Have Tools For System Admins
Top 10 Free System Administrators Tools
SysAdmin monitoring tool that can check network traffic at a granular level across multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, Unix). Because of its well-developed features, WireShark is not only popular among System Administrators, but it’s used for educational purposes as well.
RSAT Tools for Windows 10
Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) enables IT administrators to remotely manage roles and features on Windows Servers and remotely manage Active Directory from their Windows 10 Professional or Enterprise workstations.
Basically, with RSAT you have all Windows Server administration tools on your workstation, so you don’t need to RDP into your servers at all. That makes your Windows Server management more secure.
Tools from the Sysinternals Suite
The Sysinternals Suite is used for troubleshooting problems and investigating security breaches on computers running Microsoft operating systems. There are more than 40 tools in six categories:
You can download the tools individually from Microsoft’s website, or you can download all of them in a single Sysinternals Suite.
Notepad ++
Notepad ++ is one of the best text editors ever. It is great for working with code. It has a medium dependent interface, custom highlighting of code syntax, collapsible blocks, and support for regular expressions in searches. But the best thing is that it has a really fast response time when opening large files. Therefore, it is very handy when sysadmins need to investigate huge log files.
Netwrix Account Lockout Examiner
Netwrix Account Lockout Examiner is a free tool that enables IT administrators and help desk staff identify lockout root causes in a single keystroke. You can see what makes the same account lock out repeatedly without having to dig into cryptic event logs — just enter the username and click the button.
PuTTY is a great terminal emulator that’s extremely lightweight and fast. It supports the SSH, SCP and rlogin protocols; multiple operating systems, including both Windows and Linux; and many variations on the secure remote terminal. PuTTY provides user control over the SSH encryption key and protocol version, as well as alternate ciphers such as 3DES, Arcfour, Blowfish, DES, and public-key authentication. The network communication layer supports IPv6.
Filezilla is an GPL licensed FTP client and Server. It's ability to connect to SSH secured hosts makes it a great choice if you need to give access to client more comfortable with GUI than CLI interfaces.
Treesize is a NTFS file space viewer that helps visualize space usage in a Windows Explorer like view.
Treesize works off of the Master File Table of the target machine, letting you read results faster and without the need for content read permissions.
An open source windows compression utility. 7-zip works extremely fast on even very large zip files and can produce self extracting archives in the 7z format.
An opensource password manager, KeePass lets you generate strong random passwords per site or application. Stored securely, KeePass lets you maintain secure passwords without have to remember hundreds of 20 character plus password or even worse - writing one down.
If you need to share your password file with others, or access it from multiple locations, keep it on a DataAnywhere share.
Few Others to Mention:
MailFlow Monitor
PDQ Inventory and Deploy
Uptime Robot
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