Top 10 great Lithuanian bass lines
Top 10 great bass lines of all time (according to me).
There is no first and last position:
Lemon's Joy - City of Berries (1996) on the bass Serge Grey
SOLO ANSAMBLIS - MIestas Ant Kalno (2016) on the bass Vytautas Leistrumas
FOJE - Meilės Nebus Perdaug (1996) on the bass Darius Burokas
TImid Kooky - Blisss (2016) on the bass Tomas Simniškis
SUMERLAND - Stinky (1995) on the bass Ugnė Mikolauskaitė
Vytauto Kernagio Ansamblis - Gera Žinoti Iš Anksto (1986) on the bass Arūnas Degutis
VOLIS - Hopeless (1992) on the bass Andrėjus Daugirdas
BA - Iliuzija (2019) on the bass Nikita Voitov
Rondo - Margarita (1987) on the bass Aleksandras Ivanauskas
Džiaso kvartetas - Tradicinė temas (1979) on the bass Romualdas Malinauskas RIP.
If you know more and you think is necessary to mention please feel free to comment!