Top 10 Guns of the December Premier
Well folks, the top 10 has arrived and they are absolutely magnificent. From a gorgeous Colt 1855 that was factory engraved by master engraver Gustave Young to a beautiful L.D. Nimschke engraved Winchester 1866 once owned by Mexican President, Porfirio Diaz, this list is packed with more history, artistry, and power than one could imagine. Explore the list and let us know what was your favorite!
Annie Oakley, Granville Stuart, and Teddy Roosevelt are only just a few names on the guest list for the Event of the Century taking place at Rock Island Auction Company December 4-6, but there are hundreds of others with equally amazing stories, histories, and owners. Explore the thousands of items available in our online catalog found on Rock Island Auction Company's website.
00:15 - Engraved Colt Model 1855 Sidehammer "Root" Pocket Revolver - Lot 159
03:15 - Group Owned by Annie Oakley
04:15 - Annie Oakley's Ulrich Engraved Marlin Deluxe Model 1893 - Lot 120
06:50 - Annie Oakley's Engraved Remington Model 12-B - Lot 122
07:12 - Annie Oakley's Smith & Wesson .22/32 Revolver - Lot 123
07:45 - From the Gerald Klaz Collection
09:05 - Gastinne-Renette Target Pistols - Lot 3322
10:10 - Gastinne-Renette Pistols from the Exposition Universelle of 1855 - Lot 1282
10:45 - Gastinne-Renette Pistols from the French Industrial Exposition of 1844 - Lot 1279
11:58 - 17th Century Giovan Battista Francino Wheellock Pistol - Lot 306
12:22 - Winchester Model 1866 Carbine ("the Maximilian Carbine") - Lot 1022
16:35 - Serial Number 9 Colt Model 1911 - Lot 454
19:15 - Factory Engraved Silver Banded Colt No. 5 Texas Paterson - Lot 153
22:42 - Assorted Military Items
24:15 - McElroy & Co. Cavalry Saber - Lot 186
24:32 - Leech & Rigdon Cavalry Officer's Saber - Lot 1157
24:55 - Charles McAnally Model 1850 Presentation Sword - Lot 1151
25:16 - Civil War Augusta Twelve Stop Revolver - Lot 1160
26:15 - Texas Etched Dragoon Percussion Revolver - Lot 183
27:30 - Engraved "Confederate Sharps" Percussion Rifle - Lot 185
29:15 - Manhattan Navy Percussion Revolver - Lot 3169
37:58 - Pair of Winchesters belonging to Mr. Montana
40:00 - Granville Stuart's Factory Engraved 1 of 1,000 Winchester Model 1873 - Lot 42
45:10 - Granville Stuart's Ulrich Engraved Winchester Model 1876 Express Rifle - Lot 43
50:48 - Theodore Roosevelt's Factory Engraved "Bull Moose" Colt Single Action - Lot 1210
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