Top 10 Historical Facts That Herodotus Got Hilariously Wrong
Called the Father of History by Cicero, the Greek historian Herodotus (born in 484 B.C.) wrote The Histories, the Western world’s very first work of history. Gathering research from his travels around Egypt, Africa, and Asia, Herodotus recorded his observations and interviews with locals in a thorough, consistent way. Because he exaggerated and fabricated some parts of The Histories, though, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction and truth from bias. His stated goal was to record what people told him, even if he didn’t necessarily believe what he heard. Here are 10 things that Herodotus (also called the Father of Lies by historians who doubt his credibility) most likely got wrong in The Histories.
Top 10 Historical Facts That Herodotus Got Hilariously Wrong
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