Top 10 IRON MAN Suit-Ups In MCU, Ranked [Hindi] | SuperHero Talks
#marvel #ironman #tonystark
Tony Stark is one of the most prodigious minds of Marvel both in the comic books and the Marvel cinematic universe (#MCU). His inventions range from the impossibly beneficial (like an infinite power source or a time travel GPS) to the impossibly dangerous (#Ultron). However, his greatest creations will always be his suits of armor. Those are his life's work.
That's why they get plenty of screen time in all MCU films that involve Tony Stark. He didn't pick up the Iron Man nom de guerre just for coolness, after all. Since they're pretty much the best Tony has to offer, the way they're showcased in the MCU is nothing short of breathtaking. Here are 10 of those awesome Iron Man suit-up moments to remind you why we love Tony Stark 3000.
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Tobu - Candyland [NCS Release] Provided By NCS
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