Top 10 LEGO Zombie Human Apocalypse (Lego Zombie Compilation)
Hi guys! Today LEGO Land continues to livestrean one new lego stop motion compilation video. The topic of the video is about zombies. This video includes lego zombie attack, lego zombie apocalypse, lego zombie outbreak, lego zombie defense, lego zombie infection, lego zombie survivors, lego zombie invasion, lego zombie hunter, lego human apocalypse ...Hope you enjoy this video!
#LEGOLand #legozombie #legozombieapocalypse #legohumanapocalypse
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►►About LEGO Land
LEGO Land is a team love LEGO Stop Motion. Each of our videos is inspired by close and humorous stories, cartoon and sarcasm. Besides, each topic such as lego city, lego story, lego zombies, lego police, lego robbery, lego human apocalypse, lego hamster, lego minecraft, lego agent... is integrated in a surprising and interesting way. The channel aims for high ages of viewers from 15 above with slightly sarcastic black comedy. There is no actual or physical harm was caused in the video. If you like the video – don't forget to share it with your friends! We are really appreciate your support.
►►Music, audio and visual content:
All audio and visual content in this channel is owned by LEGO Land, SCONNECT CO., LTD.
License Certificate Music: (License Number 244511);; Youtube and other sources.
Our video content is intended for adults, that is not intended for children.
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