Top 10 Machine Learning Project Ideas | Yashwanth | GeeksforGeeks
Machine Learning is one of the most emerging technologies and being widely used to optimize business level problems. Making machine learning projects can help you to improve the problem-solving skill. In this video, we will discuss Top 10 Machine Learning project ideas that can help your resume shine even better.
We will be discussing the following projects in the video -
Face Recognition
Object Detection (Self Driving Cars)
Recommendation Systems (Movie Recommendation projects etc. )
Personality Detection
Bitcoin Price Prediction
Fake News Detection
Review Classification
Emotion Detection
Optimized Road Route Prediction
Hand-written Digit Classification
#ml #python #machinelearning #deeplearning #mlproject #pythonprojects #machinelearningprojects #kaggle #learnpython
This video is contributed by Yaswanth S Palaghat
LinkedIn profile of the contributor
Tags -
machine learning project ideas 2021
machine learning project for beginners
machine learning projects in python
machine learning projects tutorial
machine learning for beginners
machine learning projects using python
Best machine learning projects
ML projects for resume
Learn Machine Learning
Machine Learning tutorial
Machine learning Free
Top 10 machine learning projects
Deep learning projects
Project ideas for Machine Learning
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