Top 10 Massive Dam Failures Caught On Camera
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10 Massive Dam Failures Caught On Camera...
Ever wonder, why we humans are known as “The most eminent of created beings”? It’s because we have the courage and ability to steer all natural forces of the planet earth into our favor and advantage. But sometimes when our engineering marvels fails against these wild forces, Disasters happens and most of them come with extremely high death tolls and immense property damages. Historically Dams are constructed for many purposes, including reservoir creation, flood prevention, irrigation, and hydroelectric power and it is considered as an "installation containing dangerous water forces", which upon its structural failure can not only inflict a self-destruction but also a massive impact on the civilian population and adjacent eco-systems.
In today’s video, we have compiled a list of 10 catastrophic Dam failures that were shockingly captured on camera lens. Let’s have a look at them.