Top 10 Most Protected Presidents in the World 2020
NUMBER 10 Turkey’s President Erdogan
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey, might not be the most heavily guarded person on this list, but his security detail is certainly one of the most hardcore. Erdogan has a loyal 60-man bodyguard detail known as “The Mustacheers,” and yes, the name absolutely means they are all burly men who boast fearsome mustaches.
NUMBER 9 The President of Guinea
Alpha Conde, the awesomely named first democratically elected President of Guinea, is doubtlessly a powerful man within his country, but his inclusion on a list of most heavily guarded world leaders comes as a bit of a surprise.
NUMBER 8 Xi Jinping
As the main man of China, it’s no surprise Xi Jinping comes pretty heavily guarded. He and the other higher-ups of the Communist Party are protected by an elite guard unit called Central Security Bureau, which is a notoriously secretive organization. To this day, the most public appearance of its leader, “His Excellency Wang Shaojun“, came in 2015 when he attended a White House banquet, and we only know his highly classified day job because the official guest list casually mentioned his job title.
Shinzo Abe born 21 September 1954 is a Japanese politician who has been the Prime Minister of Japan since 2012. Abe is also currently the president of the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). He previously served as Chief Cabinet Secretary from 2005 to 2006, and as Prime Minister from 2006 to 2007, making him the longest-serving prime minister in Japanese history.
Abe resigned in September 2007, citing health reasons, shortly after his party lost the House of Councillors election that year.
NUMBER 6 Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salban of Saudi Arabia has been rumored to be on bad terms with his father, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. While it would normally be easy to read a sentence like that and assume that the Crown Prince’s security has actually lowered, in Mohammed bin Salman’s case the opposite seems to be true. Middle East Eye has observed that the Prince has reacted to a potential diminishing (or even being forced out of office) by creating a massive security network around himself.
NUMBER 5 Queen Elizabeth II
The Queen’s security forces are impressive, yet something of a mixed bag. The most visible and famous line of her defense, the iconic, tall-hatted Queen’s Guard, are mostly known for their elaborate marching spectacles and unflinching poker face during guard duty, but they’re actually far from the joke some tourists take them as and are perfectly able to mess you up if you overstep.
The Pope is both the Bishop of Rome and ex-officio leader of the world. As the head of the Catholic Church and just like the president of a country, he too needs the utmost protection. The Pope resides in probably one of the more heavily armored cities in the world, Vatican City, a city-state by Rome, Italy. Even as you walk through the streets you can see all the stoic guards dressed in antiquated armor carrying equally dated spears.
NUMBER 3 Kim Jong-Un
When North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un visited Singapore in 2018, he was accompanied by a spry guard detail that seemed a lot like the U.S. Secret Service. However, North Korea is notorious for its overkill, and Kim’s bodyguards are no exception: While the Secret Service has less than 7,000 employees, its North Korean version has an absurd 100,000. This elite unit is called the Guard Command, and they essentially serve as Kim’s highly trained personal army that reports directly to him.
NUMBER 2 Donald Trump
The President of the United States is always at the top of many a hit list, which is why the security procedures around Donald Trump are among the very best in the world. Most people know the Secret Service and their daily efforts to keep the POTUS in the land of the living, but the grumpy men in black suits and earpieces are just a tiny part of the President’s security detail. The two Air Force One planes Trump uses for air travel are among the most secure aircrafts in the world (yes, there are actually two of them, and there’s also a fleet of helicopters called Marine One).
NUMBER 1 Vladimir Putin
Russia has more than its share of secrets and secretive agencies, but one mysterious security force towers above all others: the Federal Protection Service. FSO, also known as “Putin’s People,” is an enigma. No one knows precisely how powerful the agency is, but it’s assumed that its power is roughly on par with how secretive it is, which is “very”. There’s no real public data available about this multi-purpose agency and its operations, and pretty much the only thing known about its current leader, Dmitry Kochnev, is his name.