Top 10 oldest INDIAN Companies.
INDIA'S top ten oldest company
link of the website--
Hi friends
Welcome to our channel "The Fact Gainer".
About this video-
Friends in this video, I may show you the history of INDIAN companies, that you may have not seen before, but you may know about them because they are the history of our
INDIA.And all the above-mentioned companies in the video and in the above-given link are all before the Indian independence of freedom.
And if you are a real INDIAN then you may definitely watch this video and support our prime minister SRI NARINDER MODHI for the campaign #localforvocel. And also support me on my campaign #companiesoflocal.
I am pretty sure that you may have a lot of dought regarding these old INDIAN company's, whether they are real or fake, but I may insure you that these are 100 percent.
For proving you can cross-check them on google.
And if you have gained something from this video, so please you may like this video, share this video and most importantly please subscribe to this channel and press the bell
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And if you had watched this video full till the end, so thank you so much
#companiesoflocal #localforvocal #toptenoldestindiancompanies #companyoflocal