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top 10 questions asked by a kid in mezmur 2020

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In this video you can get interesting questions that are in protestant mezmur and orthodox mezmur so affer watching this, leave a your comment then you can find under this description

#protestant #orthodox #mezmur
1. In what city was Jesus born?
ኢየሱስ የተወለደው በየትኛው ከተማ ነበር?
2. How many people Jesus feed with 5 bread & 2 fish?
ኢየሱስ ስንት ሰዎችን በ 5 ዳቦ እና በ 2 ዓሣ መግቦ ነበር?
3. what was Matthew's job?
የማቴዎስ ሥራ ምን ነበር?
4. how does V.Mary learn pregnancy?
እንዴት ነው ድንግል ማርያም እርግዝናን የተማረችው?
5. Who murders John the Baptist?
መጥምቁ ዮሐንስን ማን ገደለው?
6. Who baptizes Jesus?
ኢየሱስን ያጠመቀው ማነው?
7. where was jesus between age 12& 30
እየሱስ ከ12 - 30 አመት እድሜው የት ነበር?
8. who created first Adam or Eve ?
መጀመሪያ የተፈጥረው ማን ነበር አዳም ወይስ ሄዋን?
9. what was there before GOD creats heaven & earth
ሰማይና ምድር ከመፈጠሩ በፊት ምን ነበር?
10. Is Jesus HalfGod & HalfMan?
ኢየሱስ ግማሽ አምላክ እና ግማሽ ሰው ነው?

Correct Answers ትክክለኛ መልሶች
1. Matthew 2:1, 2 says, “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem…”
ማቴዎስ 2፤ 1, 2 “ኢየሱስ በቤተልሔም ከተወለደ በኋላ…” ይላል ፡፡
2. (Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-15) Jesus Feeds 5,000 People
(ማቴዎስ 14: 13-21 ፤ ማርቆስ 6: 30-44 ፤ ሉቃስ 9: 10-17 ፤ ዮሐንስ 6: 1-15) ኢየሱስ 5,000 ሰዎችን መገበ
3. Matthew 9:9 and Matthew 10:3 as a publican or tax collector
ማቴዎስ 9: 9 እና ማቴዎስ 10: 3 ቀረጥ ሰብሳቢ ነበር

4. Angel said “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus…”
መልአኩ “ማርያም ሆይ ፣ በእግዚአብሔር ፊት ጸጋ አግኝተሻልና አትፍሪ ፡፡ እነሆ ፣ በማህፀንሽ ትፀንሻለሽ ወንድ ልጅም ትወልጃለሽ ፣ ስሙንም ኢየሱስ ትለዋለሽ። ”
5. Matthew 14 So Herod ordered that what she asked for be done. 10 He sent soldiers to the prison to cut off John’s head.
ማቴዎስ 14 ሄሮድስ የጠየቀችው ነገር እንዲከናወን አዘዘ ፡፡ 10 የዮሐንስን ጭንቅላት እንዲቆርጡ ወታደሮችን ወደ ወህኒ ቤቱ ላከ ፡፡
6. matthew 3:13-17 …then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John…
ማቴዎስ 3 13-17… ከዚያም ኢየሱስ በዮሐንስ ሊጠመቅ ከገሊላ ወደ ዮርዳኖስ መጣ…

7. there are no records on this topic but luke states that "Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men" (Luke 2:51-52). . በዚህ ርዕስ ላይ ምንም መዝገቦች የሉም ፣ ግን ሉቃስ እንደሚለው ፣ “ከእነርሱም ጋር ወርዶ ወደ ናዝሬት መጣ ፥ ይታዘዝላቸውም ነበር። እናቱም ይህን ነገር ሁሉ በልብዋ ትጠብቀው ነበር ፡፡ በእግዚአብሔርና በሰው ፊት ሞገስ አግኝተናል ”(ሉቃስ 2 51-52) ፡፡
8. (Genesis 2:7) “And the Lord FORMED MAN of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7)
እግዚአብሔር አምላክ (ያህዌ ኤሎሂም) ከምድር ዐፈር ወስዶ ሰውን አበጀው፤ በአፍንጫውም የሕይወት እስትንፋስ እፍ አለበት፤ ሰውም ሕያው ነፍስ ሆነ።

9. GENESIS 1:1–2 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. ዘፍጥረት 1 1-2 1-2 በመጀመሪያ እግዚአብሔር ሰማያትንና ምድርን ፈጠረ። ምድር ቅርጹ ባዶ ነበረች ፤ ጨለማም በጥልቁ ፊት ላይ ነበረ። የእግዚአብሔርም መንፈስ በውሃው ላይ ይንዣብብ ነበር ፡፡

10. Jesus has two natures- God and man. 1. Thomas cried out, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28) 2. nd the gospel of John calls Jesus “the only begotten God” (John 1:18). 3. Jesus’s humanity is displayed in the fact that he was born as a baby from a human mother (Luke 2:7; Galatians 4:4), that he became weary (John 4:6), thirsty (John 19:28), and hungry (Matthew 4:2), and that he experienced the full range of human emotions such as marvel (Matthew 8:10) and sorrow (John 11:35). He lived on earth just as we do. 10. ኢየሱስ ሁለት ተፈጥሮ አለው-እግዚአብሔር እና ሰው። 1. ቶማስ “ጌታዬ እና አምላኬ!” ብሎ ጮኸ ፡፡ (ዮሐ. 20 28) 2. እና የዮሐንስ ወንጌል ኢየሱስን ኢየሱስን “አንድያ ልጁ” ብሎ ይጠራዋል (ዮሐንስ 1 18)። 3. የኢየሱስ ሰብዓዊነት በሰው ልጅ እናት ሆኖ የተወለደው (ሉቃስ 2 7 ፣ ገላትያ 4 4) ፣ እንደደከመ (ዮሐንስ 4 6) ፣ የተጠማ (ዮሐንስ 19 28) (ማቴዎስ 4 2) እና እንደ አስደናቂ (የሰው ልጅ ማቲዎስ 8 10) እና ሀዘንን ያሉ የሰዎች ስሜቶች ሙሉ በሙሉ እንዳጋጠማቸው (ዮሐንስ 11 35)። እርሱ እንደ እኛ በምድር ላይ ይኖር ነበር ፡፡

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