TOP 10 RAP LYRICS OF ALL TIME - fl studio beat making challenge
This week i asked you what to make a video about , about top 10 rap lyrics or top ten pop lyrics , best trap lyrics it was. So is earched for the best rap artists to see their best rap lyrics , and i found from lil tecca ransom to lil pump guchhi gang, asweal as kanye west Blkkk skkkn head Dj khaled ,and so on . In the end i did a little soundcloud rapper style song whe re i took lyrics form few of you in instagram.
Hope you enjoyed this video , if you did dont forget to like and subscribe for more content like this
If you want to participate in the next beat making challenge making be sure to follow me on :
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Special thanks to this guy for letting me use his song thomasthe thank engine song :
Selulance :