Top 10 RAREST And Most Beautiful Wild Cats On Earth!
Top 10 RAREST And Most Beautiful Wild Cats On Earth!
Are you a cat lover or someone fascinated by animals? Get ready to be awed as these highly evolved predators are as beautiful as they are fascinating! These kitties aren't your average domestic cats. They're especially rare, you've probably never even heard of these varieties! Most of them are beautiful but don't be fooled by their smallness and cuteness though, these cats belong in the wild and can be vicious! With that said, here are our top 10 rarest and most beautiful wild cats on earth!
10. Jaguarundi
What a name! The Jaguarundi is typically found in Texas and Mexico, with some also spotted as far south as Argentina. They prefer to reside in lowland brush areas, with water nearby. Scientists don’t know much about them but st least there is information on their characteristics and habitat. The Jaguarundi has short legs, an elongated body, and a long tail. Its coat is uniform in color and usually varies from black to brownish-gray. Unlike most wild cat species, the Jaguarundi is primarily active during the day, as opposed to evenings or at night. They often lie in trees but hunt on the ground. For prey, Jaguarundi typically catches a mixture of rodents, small reptiles, and ground-feeding birds. They have also been observed killing larger prey such as rabbits and opossums. It’s a shame that such a beautiful creature is still a mystery to us. Captive jaguarundis rarely live for more than 10 years.
9. Fishing Cat
First of all, we used to think that cats hate water, but this cat proves us wrong!! Their most peculiar feature is the webbing beneath their toes for better swimming. As its name implies, these cats feed on fish and it should also come as no surprise that they feel very much at home in the water. In fact, they can swim long distances - females have been reported to swim areas of 4 to 6 km, while males can swim 16 to 22 km!!! At this rate, I can’t even swim to save my life and a cat can hack 22km!!!!
Fishing cats are predominantly found in the Terai region of the Himalayan foothills in India and Nepal, and can also be spotted in swamps and marshy areas in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Like the previous Jaguarundi, Fishing cats are a mystery to experts but we are able to gather some details about this cool species. Fishing cats are twice the size of a domestic cat and have a stocky, muscular build with short-to-medium legs. It’s the largest of the 28 small wildcat species, with a body length of 33-45 inches (85-115 cm). Full-grown males weigh between 18 and 31 pounds (8-14 kg), while females weigh slightly less, at 11-20 pounds (5-9 kg). Their fur is coarse and olive-gray in color with dark spots arranged in horizontal streaks running along the length of their bodies.
8. Pallas’s Cat
I don’t know about you but these cats are giving me the spooks! Also called the manul, the Pallas’s cat is a small, fluffy, adorable, and elusive species endemic to the grasslands of Central Asia. Sadly, it has been classified as 'Near Threatened' by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) due to prey base decline and hunting. Roughly the size of a domestic cat, the Pallas’s cat is 18 to 26 inches long, weighs between 5.5 and 10 pounds, with a stocky frame and long, dense, patterned fur. Its bearded and flattened face has an expression that makes Grumpy Cat seem content. The Pallas’s cat has been described as looking like a grumpy old man!
Pallas's cats are solitary. They spend their days in caves, rock crevices or marmot burrows, and emerge in the late afternoon to start hunting. They aren't fast runners, so they primarily hunt by ambush or stalking, taking cover amid low vegetation or rocky terrain.
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