Top 10 Reasons Why Houseboats Are Making the World A Better Place
Having a serene view every morning as soon as you wake up is not the kind of life everyone gets, because owning a property in a picturesque location is quite expensive. But there is always another way of getting your early morning view to be blissful and it is quite simple. Just live in a houseboat and see for yourself why houseboats are making the world a better place.
00:00 Intro
00:50 Number 10: Environment-Friendly Residence
01:52 Number 9: No noise pollution
02:56 Number 8: Better Mobility
03:52 Number 7: Connecting man with nature
05:00 Number 6: Cheaper to live in
06:11 Number 5: Discover remote locations
06:57 Number 4: The Freedom factor
07:47 Number 3: Easy to maintain
08:49 Number 2: Beat the Floods
10:05 Number 1: Helps build a strong community
The houseboat community not only helps you to survive but also ends up becoming family in the process. These top 10 reasons why houseboats are making the world a better place will bring you closer to your houseboat decision ;)
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Loch Goblin Entertainment
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