Top 10 Richest People in the World(2002-2020)
This video shows the top 10 richest people in the world over 2002-2020. It is represented as bar race chart. It provides the name with image, company name, and net worth (in billion dollars) of each person. The details of the top three (which include name, company, nationality, and net worth) is highlighted in each year.
Bill Gates was in the list of top 3 billionaires throughout the period 2002-2020. He was the richest for 6 consecutive years from 2002.
The top 10 richest people in 2020 are mentioned below
10. Jim Walton
9. Larry Page
8. Steve Ballmer
7. Amancio Ortega
6. Mark Zuckerberg
5. Larry Ellison
4. Warren Buffett
3. Bernard Arnault
2. Bill Gates
1. Jeff Bezos
There are 2095 billionaires in 2020 listing and constitute $8 trillion. The ranking do not contain royalty and dictators as the wealth comes from their positions.
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