Top 10 Scary Randonautica Experiences On Tik Tok
Top 10 Scary Randonautica Experiences On Tik Tok
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Randonautica is huge right now but honestly i hadn't heard about the app before doing this video so maybe you guys haven't either. How it works is that the app asks you what you’re looking for, maybe its a cool picturesque, maybe its something abstract like something that'll make me happier or you put in i want an answer to an existential question i have. The app then generates a set of coordinates for you to go to and you'll find what you're looking for when you get there or so they say. You can either visit an attractor, a void or an anomaly. “An attractor is a spot the app deems has the highest concentration of quantum dots, whereas a void is the least. An anomaly is the strongest pick of those two different options."
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