Top 10 Scientists in India | भारत के 10 सबसे महान वैज्ञानिक |
Top 10 Scientists in India.
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Science is an important part of our everyday life, even more so than we notice. From our fancy gadgets to the the technologies we can’t live without, from our humble light bulb to the space explorations, it is all gift of science and technology.
I wonder what would we be doing if none of these things were invented? How often do we take out the time to think about those extra ordinary minds who made life easier for us? Here is a list of top 10 Indian scientists who achieved a global recognition. Watch the video till the end and forgot to like and share also subscribe our channel for more information.
Music: Keys of Moon - The Epic Hero" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:
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