Top 10 Sirius A&B star system previous home of blacks taught by ancient elders has habitable planets
Top 10 Sirius A & B star system previous home blacks taught by ancient elders has habitable planets like earth now proven my modern science that has been taught for thousands of years in the ancient black world now proving more and more to be true. The Anunaki are melanated black people that left planet Earth for further explanation of the universe planet solar system builders, planet earth is just a outpost of a greater civilization the rest of us blacks where men't to join them but we got hijacked by these albino man animal mutant with fur from the caves and they destroyed our power structures and communication technology to reach the grater anunaki ahmin beings of rah civilization but we melanated people had the technology to stop these evil reptilians from invading and abduction of the hybrids but the hybrids destroyed everything and enslaved our people because we where living like kings and they lived in mere cave's they destroyed everything out of jealousy so now the hybrids are literally food for all types of aliens, the problem with us blacks then and now is we are too good and too kind so we showed kindness to monsters and that cost us everything because we taught they where like us but we where dealing with albino man animal mutant cave monsters with fur.!