Top 10 Stefania Sandrelli Films
Stefania Sandrelli is one of the most beautiful Italian actress, famous for her many roles in the commedia all'Italiana, during period of 1960s. Stefania Sandrelli is the sex symbol of Italian cinema, during her prime time she worked with famous directors like Pietro Germi and Tinto Brass. Stefania Sandrelli played a brief series of erotic films of good success.
No.10 La chiave (The Key) (1983)
No.9 Delitto d'amore (Somewhere Beyond Love) (1974)
No.8 C'eravamo tanto amati (We All Loved Each Other So Much) (1974)
No.7 La prima cosa bella (The First Beautiful Thing) (2010)
No.6 Io la conoscevo bene (I Knew Her Well) (1965)
No.5 L'immorale (1967)
No.4 Alfredo, Alfredo (1972)
No.3 Il conformista (The Conformist) (1970)
No.2 Sedotta e abbandonata (Seduced and Abandoned) (1964)
No.1 Divorzio all'italiana (Divorce Italian Style) (1961)