Top 10 Strongest Pokemon! UPDATED - Lapras, Snorlax, Mimikyu, Dragapult - Pokemon Sword & Shield
The 10 best top tier pokemon for competitive battle in Series 3 Ranked Battles including Excadrill Togekiss Hydragon Darmanitan Gyarados Dracozolt Incineroar Lapras, Snorlax, Mimikyu, Dragapult for Pokemon Sword and Shield for Nintendo Switch.
Here's the script I wrote down lol
10. Dracozolt
Dracozolt's special move, Bolt Beak is almost a OHKO, when you combine it with the ability Hustle and Choice Scarf. Luckily, there are several options to counter Dracozolt. One way is to use a Fairy type move with Mimikyu. If you maxed out it's speed, it will be faster than Dracozolt.
9. Gyarados
Gyarados can wipe out your whole team if you have the wrong pokemon. With it's hidden ability Moxie and the move Max Airstream, it's speed and attack will rise after every attack, making it unstoppable. To counter Gyarados, use an Electric type like Dracozolt.
8. Darmanitan
This guy is simply a good pokemon to use against most pokemon out there, and that's why so many people use it.
It's attacks are extremely powerful, thanks to it's ability, Gorilla Tactic. It's usually paired with the item Choice Scarf to make it a fast attacker, or Choice Band to make it even more powerful. To counter Darmanitan, use a water pokemon with a high defense, like Toxapex.
7. Hydreigon
Hydreigon is simply a very powerful Special attacker that learns a lot of moves. It's especially good against all kinds of Rotoms. To counter Hydreigon, use a Fairy type like Sylveon to deal a double-weakness damage.
6. Togekiss.
Togekiss has two amazing abilities. You can either combine the hidden ability Super Luck with the item Scope Lens to bring up the critical ratio to 50 %, or make the opponent flinch to death by combining Serene Grace with Air Slash. How to counter Togekiss? You're probabaly not gonna be able to take him down in one hit, so use a pokemon with a massive type advantage. Like Rotom Heat. Beware the weakness policy.
5. Mimikyu
If you saw any of my battle videos, this guy needs no introduction.
Mimikyu pretty much deserves to be No. 1, But in this list, No.1 through No. 5 is pretty much rock paper sisors, it depends on the battle situation.
Mimikyu alone has the power to turn battles around completely, and looks like this guy's not going anywhere any time soon. His Disguise ability almost guarantees a free Swords Dance without risking damage, and you'll see a lot of battles where Mimikyu wipes out all 3 of their pokemon. The quickest way to counter Mimikyu is to use the next pokemon on the list:
4. Excadrill
Another pokemon who's just as good as No.1, Excadrill has very high attack stats and a great set of moves to choose from. With it's ability Mold breaker, it's not afraid to face Mimikyu, Togekiss, Toxapex, Rotom or any other pokemon that has Levitate. One way to counter Excadrill is to use a water pokemon like Gyarados or Blastoise. Beware the 1hit KO tho.
3. Gigantamax Lapras
Lapras was always a strong pokemon, with the move Freeze Dry, very high defense, and a one hit KO move. But Lapras's new gigantamaxl move, G-Max Resonance is just too good. It's the only attack move in the game that reduces damage received for 5 turns. To counter Lapras, use a fighting pokemon like Conkeldurr.
2. Gigantamax Snorlax
Snorlax is always a tough pokemon whichever game he appears in, but his new G-Max Replenish move makes him even tougher. He's one of the only pokemon that can heal himself during Dinamaxing. Couple that with his incredible HP and attack, and you get an almost invincible attacker. Snorlax does not have a high defense stat, so one way to counter Snorlax is to use a physical attacker like Conkeldurr or Durant.
?, Sylveon
1. Dragapult
Yep. You saw this one coming. It's the lightning fast Dragon that can do just about anything. You've got the physical attacker, special attacker, Wilowisp and Hex combo, Dragon dance, Substitute, Max airstream, light screen, you name it and Dragapult can pull it off, and that's why it's so hard to counter. It's almost impossible to be ready for any kind of Dragapult. To counter it, you can use Grimmsnarl or Mimikyu and hope it doesn't have a Steel type move, or use Umbreon and hope it's not a Special Attacker.
Alright, so that's the top 10pokemon you need to counter right now. If you like this video, be sure to like blablablah