Top 10 strongest trollge
Hey guys im back with another crappy video
Today im going to label 10 strongest trollge
Now read a long note
Well this video is not accurate and the ranking were prepared by me, so if you find it wrong,dont mind it,im just a beginner
Also other mentions means that the specific trollge incident is as strong as to its designated other trollge incident ranking and second reason i had to put them in other mention is that I couldn't find the stk nodes for them so.the rankings were determined by various factors like from backstory, gmod battles etc
The Rankings+ creators videos of those
10.God of earth (by Unstoppable Thanos)
9 Boiling Stars (by that old man om the roof)
8. World eater incident(by Sea Bass)
7.Eartern Evil incident(by linux55 and GOD AMOGUS)
Link to channel(linux55)-
6. Lord of Darkness (by linux55)
Link- already given
5.Weeping God incident(by Mr Chenorbyl
4.Multiversal God incident(by GOD AMOGUS)
3.The Ruler (by Linux55)
Link- already given
2.Omniversal Devours incident(by King Dinoverse)
1. Ascend Mp. 4(by ghioboss)
Other mentions
6.Solar God incident(by GOD AMOGUS)
4. Nature Corruption(by GOD AMOGUS)
4.Betrayal incident(by Smack Animations)
4.The worship incident (by The German Mapper)
Jeeez, took me half an hour
Now you cant abuse me for not giving credit to you :)
Warning : This is only made for fun
Not to start rivalry against other trollge incident fans
Model credit-
All models were by @Bfbtale Universe™
Link to channel
God of Earth and head of Ascend Mp. 4 were created by me
Un owen was troll
Headbanger theme music