Top 10 successful parenting secrets Dr.Asha Latha |Part 1
Hello friends welcome back to my channel today we going to share happy an smart parenting tips here I have dr.asha Latha Mam such a great person she’s the correct person to teach parenting here we shared ten child rearing tips that can help you feel more fulfilled as a parent. successful parents encourage healthy behaviours,attitudes,and wold views..they consistently model that behaviour for them.they speak lofty expectations into their children’s lives.they think the best of their children.they provide opportunity’s for their children to learn valuable life lessons.and we also shared our experiences
1. Listening
2. Consider the message you're sending. What are you telling your children? ...
3. Don't Micromanage. ...
4. Have Bonding Time. ...
5. Establish Routines. ...
6. Assign Chores. ...
7. Discipline without anger. ...
8. Allow Children to Struggle. ...
9. Show Affection and Praise them.
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