Top 10 techniques of self-defense and street fighting for beginners? # 1
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Top 10 techniques of self-defense and street fighting for beginners? # 1
Wall Street comments bring in Dakar in this program we're going to be looking at an arm saw something
in the world where specifically we're going to be looking at the top ten just to keep mobile phones
if you're going to have to face in the world.
We're just going you can use one and most you will see more of a nuisance but they can be dangerous
because if you don't use them early It gives you a psychological permission to the first period like
being attached to something from working a little harder to push more.
This is going to read once about de-stabilize you can almost anything be able to stop it to recover
for gamers.
They see the World's Most Common punch.
If you can't defend yourself against a big raid and you can't defend yourself it's that simple.
And with that with such a flimsy reflex it's a lot harder than most covers.
Putting a million problem for a few breaks your balance stabilizes you before you can recover balance
from a much more difficult to defend than most people realize because it never fails you'll one hand
Just use of force letter.
These also are very problematic because it is still difficult to do whatever techniques.
That's what we call gravity.
It's really very difficult to do because he wants to steal you and hit you with the other hand.
Next call.
This is basically punching with two hands.
And I did it with me.
But from there it was just stunning because it is the most common ground human face.
We broke it down into a sliding scale of danger.
From early on time we to finish up very late or one round but once you get the ground you're sitting
there in his wake and the floor and you're not going to get out you know.
So let's get started.