Top 10 The Best Legend of Zelda Video Games of all time | SWITCH, WIIU, 3DS,GB | Link Hyrule's Hero
Top 10 The Best Legend of Zelda Games of all time on SWITCH, WII U, 3DS,GBA. Link, the Hero of NINTENDO.
The Zelda series is easy to define, adventure games where the player is clearly the hero, braving challenges to save Princess Zelda and the Kingdom of Hyrule. For more than 30 years now, this cult series has regularly rhymed with excellence, and each episode has its own identity, offering players absolutely unforgettable moments. Here are my top 10 zelda adventure games. The best ranking on Nintendo console. SWITCH like Zelda breath of the wild, Zelda Link's Awakening DX. Wii like Zelda skyward sword. Wii U, like Zelda The Wind Waker HD, Zelda Twilight Princess HD. DS, like Zelda Phantom Hourglass. 3DS, like Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, Zelda Majora's 3D, Zelda A Link Between Worlds, Zelda Tri Force Heroes. GBA, Zelda The Minish Cap. GBC, Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons.
World Gaming Channel, the best short video games reviews that fall into various categories.
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