TOP 10 The Best Pool Hustlers Of All Time
TOP 10 The Best Pool Hustlers Of All Time
Popular tactics for pool sharks included deliberately playing with low quality cues, acting drunk or unintelligent, missing ‘easy’ shots and generally giving the impression of being at novice level, to make their opponent think they have a winning chance. While it is clearly a recognized sport today, it’s not hard to see how pool is, and has, often been argued as being a bar room game. As with other forms of gambling, deception and misdirection are the key factors of being a successful hustler, as well as being a hell of a good actor. Here are ten of the greatest pool hustlers in history.
10. Cowboy Jimmy Moore
9. Don Willis
8. Larry Lisciotti
7. Keith McCready
6. Danny Basavich
5. Chef Anton
4. Titanic Thompson (Alvin Clarence Thomas)
3. Cornbread Red (Billy Burge)
2. Luther Lassiter
1. Minnesota Fats (Rudolf Wanderone)
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