Top 10 Trading Mistake
Top 10 Trading mistakes
1. No Trading Plan
2. Riskig to much on one Trade
3. Giving into Emotions
4. OverTrading
5. No Patience
6. Taking profits too Early
7. Letting Losing Position Ride to Long
8. Trading strategy too Complicated
9. Not Sticking to a Trading Plan
10. Not Having a Trading Journal
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Lots of people have been asking for me to talk about my new Day Trading Strategy! How I find the stocks that I Day Trade every day. What I'm doing is nothing new or groundbreaking but its working for me. Its been consistently working for me over the last couple of months and I've been working on honing my skills with it. The key to DayTrading is to find a strategy that works for you and then get really good at it. Having a couple of different strategies to work with depending on the Stock Market conditions.
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I am not an investment professional. Please do not make investment choices off of the ideas you see in these videos without the proper knowledge and research. Day Trading can be very volatile! You need to understand the basics and the risk involved first!