Top 10 UNTOLD TRUTHS of Disney's Giant Turkey Legs
Top 10 untold truths of Disney's giant turkey legs. Disney's jumbo turkey legs found at Walt Disney World, a secret pleasure, sold in multiple locations and always seen to be being eaten by someone.
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What’s the first thing you notice when you enter a Disney theme park, aside from that giant castle on Main Street. People walking around chewing on “Nice & Juicy” Jumbo-sized turkey legs. Deemed one of the parks' most popular snacks, there is lots of mystery surrounding these turkey legs. So let’s bite into 10 Facts About Disney’s Famous Turkey Legs, and comment #disney #turkeyleg #food
0:25 Definitely Not Emu Legs
1:56 On Everyone’s Bucket List
3:30 Turkey Leg Sales are Astronomical
4:44 He Ain’t Heavy He’s my Brother
6:12 Tastes Like Ham
7:34 Historical Value
8:58 Turkey Leg Merchandise
10:34 Front page of the New York Times
11:55 Turkey Legs Sold Elsewhere
13:09 A True Cult Classic
- The rumor was, that because of their large size, they were not in fact turkey legs at all, but emu legs.
- So popular are the Turkey Legs at Disney that visitors have them on their bucket list of things to eat and do while visiting.
- The sales of turkey legs are skyrocketing.
- Each drumstick weighs approximately 1.5 pounds.
- One of the reasons why the urban myth about emu surrounding the Jumbo Turkey Legs is so hard to shake is because they do tend to taste more like ham than turkey.
- The legs were first sold for somewhere around $9 bucks, today they sell for around $12 dollars.
- One of the marketing gimmicks to further increase profits on one of their beloved food items, was to take the turkey leg to the next level with plenty of merchandising options.
- In 2013, just about the time when the famous Disney Turkey legs were climbing in sales, an article appeared on the front page of the New York Times entitled “Turkey Legs Conquer Land of Mouse Ears”
- Sea World, Universal Studios and Six Flags all sell turkey legs.
- The Jumbo Turkey Leg is the most iconic food at Disneyland and Disney World and many want to keep it that way. There are some pretty die-hard fans.
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