Top 10 Weirdest Things Found In The Mariana Trench | Marathon
Top 10 Weirdest Things Found In The Mariana Trench | Marathon
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The Mariana Trench is located in the Western Pacific Ocean and is well known as the deepest oceanic trench on Earth. Because it is so deep and dark and filled with immense pressure, exploration of the trench has proven to be extremely difficult, but not impossible, which has led to us being able to learn about just a few of the things that live here. We don’t know all of what goes on in this trench but from the exploration that has been possible, we certainly have found some very strange things, some of which are not found anywhere else on Earth. From some creepy-looking fish, to human garbage, to some of the most insane sea creatures I’ve ever seen, the Mariana Trench is full of things just waiting to be discovered. On today’s Most Amazing top 10 list we are going to be diving into the Top 10 Weirdest Things Found In The Mariana Trench.
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