Top 10 White Actors That Played People Of Color In Movies
Top 10 White Actors That Played People Of Color In Movies
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Over the years, Hollywood and the film industry in general, has continued trending toward a more diverse, equal and accepting direction. And as happy as I am to say that, unfortunately, a lot of work still needs to be done. Thankfully, people of color are finally starting to get represented appropriately when it comes to casting for projects, and although we’ve got a long way to go, it’s definitely a start. With that being said, as you can imagine, a lot of white actors have portrayed people of color in films, and it’s actually quite sad. Now I will say, this list includes some comedic films, as well as more serious films. Some actors actually used makeup to make the actor’s skin darker, while others were portraying the lives of people of color, even though they’re white. Today on informoverload, we’re counting down the Top 10 White Actors That Played People Of Color In Movies.
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