Top 10 whoopi goldberg Vs meghan mccain | The View
Top 10 whoopi goldberg Vs meghan mccain | The View
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now it's people hold on let me just
finish what I'm saying so that I can
just say everybody has something to say
at the table we really do want to hear
from everybody but we're starting to do
that thing right and so I'm that since
this thing it means you're talking over
each other well it's the view it is the
view I'm gonna put the question to you
to joy yeah do you think Christians are
mentally ill well I mean that would make
me mentally ill since I'm a Christian
myself I would make my mother mentally
ill my father my hands my daughter girl
hear you you I mean of course not of
course not
I don't mean to offend people but
apparently I keep doing it we sit with
each other we don't always agree and no
I'll joy thank you for saying this
because I think it's important for you
to recognize that so many people were
upset and offended and I think we're
living in incredibly divisive times
right now we all know that but I think
as a Republican I feel like sometimes
liberals say we need to be tolerant of
everyone we need to be tolerant everyone
except pro-lifers except Trump
supporters except gun owners except for
everyone in the red in the middle of the
country I think that's I'm gonna stop
you because that's not I'm not actually
true and I don't want to because we
don't wanna we don't want to talk about
liberals and what they're doing it was
just because I'm trying to get out of
this cuz this is what they've asked me
to do so if we can if you can do it yeah
son of quickly yes I just I would like
to move forward I think we would all
like to collectively move forward I am a
great admirer of Mike Pence and his
family I would like to apologize to him
and his family in particular this is a
show where we respect to one another and
we respect everyone else in the country
we also have
amendment go and iTouch and I just want
to say since I joined this show I I've
been very heated to change the subject
what this did was more people are now in
favor of impeachment because of this 51%
want of Americans want Trump impeached
and removed from office but that our
Washington Post just found that overall
25 percent of Republicans 25 percent of
Republicans and Republican leaning
independents now also just let joy
finish please it will have joy somber
letting I understand that let joy say
I'll let you talk after I finish yeah
cuz I have one point to make
I don't really cut these Republican
leaders any slack in this because
they're going after him for this a
Lindsey Graham who is now attacking him
about this and saying how horrible it is
hey this is what he said I don't care if
they have to stay in these facilities
for 400 days referring to these children
at the border
these children were locked up taken away
from their parents they will be scarred
for the rest of his life with separation
anxiety I can't even begin to tell you
and the same people Lindsey Graham
Moscow Mitch all the rest of the Mach
Meadows Devin Nunez all these despicable
people backed this man when he separated
children that is who he is and what
makes you think that he cares about
innocent Kurds being slaughtered when he
doesn't care about innocent children
being taken away from them we wouldn't
be in this position because there are
12,000 Isis prisoners that the Kurds
were guarding and now you are letting
12,000 Isis prisoners out into the ether
which he says they're gonna go into
Europe and by the way as of yesterday
they're already 100 Kurdish forces dead
we are talking about opening up
Pandora's box of Isis into Europe into
the rest of the world that's why it
should be different I'm not saying what
happened on the border isn't bad but
don't blame shift this is extremely
damaged our generations children will be
dealing with that blame right now but
I've seen it I don't like we did okay
but I'm just
okay these are I don't I just don't
think I think everything is bad I did
not support the what happened on the
border as you're aware I don't care
about impeachment right now I think what
is happening
in Alabama in specific a woman whose
rape cannot get an abortion but the
parental rights of her rapist are
protected but it just seems to me that
when you have a law that says no woman
can ever have an abortion but can have
an abortion in time with the exception
of rape that really is a distinction
without a difference because how do you
prove that you've been raped no it