Top 10 Worst Spyro Orb/Egg Challenges
Now we all know how Spyro 2 changed up the formula from the first game at this point. Instead of just being thrown into level and just collecting stuff, you meet NPCs and help them solve problems for their world and do challenges for a collectible while doing so. Year of the Dragon follows suit with that but when it comes to collectibles, it’s split between the first and second game. The first game because you can find eggs laying in a random place like the dragons and the other eggs you get from completing a challenge like in Ripto’s Rage. However, for some newcomers and even for long-time fans of the series, some of these challenges can really get under your skin. So, I thought to start off Spyro month this year, I should go through the reignited trilogy 100% again and make a top 10 of what I think are the worst orb and egg missions in Spyro 2 and 3. Let me know in the comments what you think are the worst orb or egg challenges in Spyro or the ones you like.
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