Top 11 Tips IELTS Listening 2020|| IELTS Full Course for Free|| Productive Quarantine (বাংলা)
Here are the top 11tips that you will need to ace IELTS listening. Go through all the tips and practice accordingly.
Tip 1: Read instructions clearly
Each set of questions has instructions. You have strictly follow those instructions, or else the answer will be wrong.
Tip 2: They Leak Answers
The answers are usually pronounced out loud, sometimes spelled out or repeated.
Tip 3: Divide and Conquer
The time given to look at the questions before the recording is played should be utilised to focus on the questions that are mentioned only. Do not look beyond that.
Tip 4: Do not try to understand the meaning of everything
Stay focused on finding out the answers only. Do not try to find the maning of everything that is said in the recording.
Tip 5: Answer as you listen
Do not wait for the recording to finish. Write the answers as soon as you hear them. Or else, there are higher chances you would forget the answers.
Tip 6: Keep moving forward
If you miss out on one of the answers, do not stress out. Move forward with the rest of the questions and maintain the flow. Because, once you fall behind it is very tough to recover.
Tip 7: Unexpected turns
When the recording is played, there are times when they change the information that was provided earlier. Be careful about it.
Tip 8: Copy your answers smartly
Whenever you hear the answer, try to make quick work by noting down the answer in short form in order to save time. But, make sure the short form is understandable to you.
Tip 9: Answer can arrive at any time
There is no fixed time for the answer to arrive. It can be provided during the beginning or in the middle. Sometimes answers are provided in quick succession. Be attentive throughout the whole recording.
Tip 10: Singular and plural forms
If the answer is mentioned in plural form, that is exactly what you have to write. If you write the singular form, it will be wrong.
Tip 11: Guess the grammar
Try to guess if the required answer is a noun/ verb/ adjective, so you can fish the answer easily from the tape.
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