TOP 15 STREAM HIGHLIGHTS [Best Fortnite Community Clips Contest]
These are the top community clips from our Fortnite custom games we play on NAE server live on stream every day with viewers! Fortnite chapter 2 season 2 includes C4, RPG's, Boxes, and Trip Mines...all great items to get funny clips and fail plays. Be sure to come out to our clip fest contest every Sunday to have a chance to be featured in a video! Winning clip wins 1000 Fortnite V Bucks!
--VOTE for best clips HERE:
--Check out the live stream:
--Stream schedule:
--Gaming setup 2020:
YouTube Brackets Fortnite chapter 2 season 2 community clip contest tournament where your clips every week are in a fortnite compilation. You get to choose your favorite clips of the week! The clips are funny fortnite fails, epic fortnite plays, or any Fortnite meme/glitch. Enjoy! love you all
#fortnite #fortnitefunny #fortniteclips #fortnitechapter2season2 #fortnitegame #fortnitefunnymoments #fortnitefail